Communicate the impact generated by your initiatives
Stakeholders increasingly expect you to communicate in terms of impact generated instead of mere financial contributions.
Report on the number of beneficiaries whose lives you have helped improve or transform, and on the quantifiable environmental achievements which resulted from your activities.
Communicate your alignment with the SDGs, but not only: go to the next level and report which SDG targets you have contributed to. Refer to the beneficiaries of your initiatives, but also to the indirect beneficiaries and the traction generated by your initiatives.
masimpact will help you respond to the DJSI questionnaire assessment, various topic-specific disclosures of the GRI standard and the B Corp assessment.
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Improve your communication with timely and accurate on-screen reports or download data in excel
Overview in real time the status of your social activity, with 20+ data insights.
Access the reports to overlook the type of contributions (cash, time, in kind etc.), the causes you support (health, environment, social welfare etc.), the countries and regions where your initiatives are taking place, whether your initiatives consist of contributions to the SDGs, results in terms of achievements and impacts, and much more.
Topic-specific disclosures of the GRI
With the masimpact platform, you can extract data for your sustainability report or for your non-financial report. You will be able to address the topic-specific disclosures 203 and 413 of the GRI standard.

B Corp Impact Assessment
The masimpact platform and its methodological framework will help you answer part of the Community section and various IBMs of the B Corp impact assessment.

Report to the DJSI survey
Thanks to masimpact, based on the ONLBG framework, it helps you answer the Philanthropy section of the DJSI survey.

Filter and extract only the data you need.
Use it for your sustainability reporting, benchmarking, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) questionnaire and compliance. In masimpact you will find all the data you need to create an impressive annual report, with reduced costs and efforts, presented in the form of graphs, charts and tables.

Take your communication to the next level.
Communicate your alignment to the SDGs, but not only: go to the next level and report which SDG targets you have contributed to. Refer to the beneficiaries of your initiatives, but also to the indirect beneficiaries and the traction generated by your initiatives (leverage).

Engage with your stakeholders.
Whether you are reporting to your shareholders, your employees, your suppliers or advocacy groups, masimpact helps you communicate your social impact. The capturing of data on your social initiatives directly from the sources, combined to the robustness of international frameworks for measuring social impact, allows you to communicate the value of your social investment and the social impact you are producing.

Convert results into resources to advance your mission
It’s easier to invest when you see the results. The reports will help you get your stakeholders engaged and excited, by showing them the tangible results of their contributions. Whether your budget comes from inside your organisation or from outside, communicating your milestones will help you get the resources you need to continue and expand your mission.