About masimpact
Aware of the need that companies and organisations have to enhance their social activities, MAS Business (Managing A Sustainable Business, S.L.) decided to use its expertise to promote a platform that favors the management, measurement and communication of social activities carried out by any entity or by several together.
masimpact has been designed to facilitate the social accounting of projects in favor of the community, providing a common unit of measurement, which offers reliability and understanding among the various social benefactors.
masimpact is based on the ONLBG standard, which includes the LBG framework recognised by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and used internationally. ONLBG has been created by companies and organisations, stemming from their experience and need for a measurement framework, necessary to ensure reliable and transparent social accounting. ONLBG includes the SDGs and its targets to facilitate the alignment of social activities that affect the Agenda 2030.
masimpact offers the possibility to capture directly from the source all data related to the measurement of the various social activities, and ensures reliable and timely communication to the various stakeholders.
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A team of professionals ready to help you in the management, measurement and communication of your social projects.
The masimpact team
We gather great professionals in the field of sustainability, impact measurement, project management and technology.
We rely on a collaboration with MAS Business to offer masimpact to companies and organisations.