Measure social impact according to leading international frameworks
masimpact was co-founded by the coordinator of the London Benchmarking Group (LBG) of Spain. Within the platform, your data will be organised following the ONLBG methodology, which includes the indicators of LBG management framework and the SDGs. In other words, your social impact will be reported in a transparent way, and recognised by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). Additionally, the LBG framework is coupled with the ONLBG methodology and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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Key takeaways for using transparent and recognised methodologies for measuring social impact.
Constitute a standard system for management, measurement and communication of social impact.
Enable the aggregation of results for the purpose of benchmarking.
Provide a common language between companies and non-profit organisations.
Allow for homogeneous measurement and objective comparison between projects.
Facilitate interpretation by stakeholders of reports and graphs of investment and results.
Set the basis and criteria for replicating measurement in similar activities.
masimpact is aligned with leading international frameworks measuring impact: SDGs, LBG & ONLBG.
In essence, masimpact constitutes an opportunity for your organisation to use high standards of impact measurement without any previous knowledge. (*Note, however, that an initial training and reading materials will be provided on these frameworks to ensure a basic understanding of these methodologies, and that our team remains available to answer any questions regarding its application.)
Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognise that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
Within masimpact, you will be able to select which SDGs your project is pursuing. Since your project may contribute to more than one SDG, the platform allows you to select various SDGs and allocate different weights (%) to each of them.
Furthermore, it is important to realise that SDGs per se may seem broadly construed, and this is why masimpact also contains the SDGs respective targets. Alignment with said targets will provide a more in-depth understanding of your social impact generated, as well as help you with refining your sustainability strategy.

ONLBG: broadening the LBG methodology
The ONLBG methodological framework encompasses the international LBG model recognised by the DJSI and facilitates the alignment of the ODS and its goals. The ONLBG standard is the result of the work carried out by companies and organisations in the third sector and therefore provides valid indicators for the different entities, facilitating a common unit of measurement. The application of agreed criteria based on practical application facilitates homogeneous measurement and provides reliability and understanding between the different actors.

London Benchmarking Group
The LBG España Group was formed in 2007, with 9 companies (Abertis, Agbar, Barclays, BBVA, Ferrovial, Gas Natural, Iberdrola, Repsol and Telefónica), promoted and coordinated by MAS Business.
Since 2007, more than 25 large companies in Spain have used the model to measure their social activities, and have carried out an annual benchmarking with the results of their projects, to offer confidence to their stakeholders.